Saturday, September 6, 2008

And the THUNDER ROLLS!!!!!!!!

OK--this may surprise you guys...but I LOVE NBA basketball!! We would go the Hornets bball games and they were really good...even in the nosebleed seats. So I am thrilled we now have our very own team right here in big OKC!! Now, I just need everybody to move and buy a new house so I can afford season tickets for a fam of 5..........who's first?? :)
Last night was the famed Moore War....Westmoore won--yeah baby! But really I was there to see the band..mainly my trumpet playing son. He was fabulous of course!
Today for me was one of those "gonna do tons of stuff and get alot accomplished", yet didn't do a thing and was sleepy all day even though I was on the couch! And as to Laura's ? of what did I eat at the game.....a hot dog minus the bun.....I initially typed what I ate then read it and thought hmmm that might be I'll just say a hotdog minus the bun! :) Which had my stomach in fits by half time.......ahhh to be young and not know what TUMS are!
Anyhow.....Did I mention I'm a sucker for a produce stand? Well as long as they're not selling puppies! Today I was driving to the store and low and behold a produce stand right in the bank parking lot and a sign that says "Rush Springs Melons"----Turn signal on! The guys there had 3 kinds of watermeon, cantaloupe and peaches.........God is so good.....all carb free mind you....
so I got a medley of what all they had and he said he'd be back next will I!!
Then I got to thinking how completely trusting I do I know they really went to Rush Spring and got these watermelons? Or to Stroud for the peaches? I don't...I just totally hope those peaches are awesome and the cantaloupe super juicy. But I'm sure there's some kind of life lesson in that....trusting blindly.....hmmm.....or maybe its just the lack of sugar to my brain.
OK That's all I can muster for now....

Have a great Sunday...........


SoonerAggieMom said...

I'm with you about wondering if the produce really comes from where it says it does.

Hallmark job? Well, let's just say things are a little different down here and in order to keep my sanity, I walked away from it! Actually ran away with my hands in the air screaming "I'M FREE, I'M FREE!! I also didn't have awesome Retail Merchandisers like I once did either (I should blog about that).

I love hearing from you!

Beverly said...

I saw your trumpet-playing son. He really was the best one out there. *wink* I do hope he ends up at OSU so we can get season tickets together, bling up some tees, eat at Joe's and go to all the games!! Woo Hoo!