Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Harder Than I Thought!

This picture was last winter I church bowling family night.....I think my hair color is different in every pic I have

Ok, I'll admit I've never been a huge proponent of "online" anything. I always tell my kids, your life is not a commodity...besides who cares what you ate for dinner last night?! that all this Blogging thing has come about and Beverly jumped on it.....I think only Brady(well and Gary but I told him while he was watching TV sooo.....prolly wasn't listening) knows I have a blog in the fam---he's my tech support--but now I find myself saying what to write about? If you know me, you will not be shocked when I say I can talk with the best of them, in fact the faster you talk the more I like you--must be the saleswoman in me! So it is truly strange to me to have to think of something to blog, although it just occurred to moi that I'm blogging right now about absolutely nada......

Tonight is the big Moore-War football game and of course we are going. We have our Moore-War t-shirts all rhinestoned up--I am a *Dance Mom*ya know-- and ready to go! I am trying to figure out HOW to NOT eat any carbs at the game.......I'm thinking duck tape lipstick! I am on my no sugar, no flour, no carb, no taste diet again.......just whole veggies and fruits and chicken and really does make me feel better when I cut out the processed junk but I must admit I LOVE junk food! Oh to be young again and eat whatevaaaaaaa................

I do know it can only last so long....kinda makes me irritable--(who moi?) so every now and then Gary will say, have a reece's babe!

Did y'all see Sarah Palin's speech? I have always said, if ya want something done...ask a woman!!

We'll see.......she's looks like a tough cookie--my word 5 kids!--She's not scared of anything...after all she survived the PTA!!!!!!!!!!! And we all know that's the scariest place on earth! (Did I say that?!) Wait, someone's at my's the local PTA wanting my member card back...shhhhhhhhh......... :)

Well, I better jet for now, Brady just texted and summoned me to pick him up....he's 16 now, but hasn't tested for his license yet, says he's too busy right now...I know strange....he watches CNN too.....and actually reads the paper........

Happy Weekend!!


Growin' With It said...

well hey there! i can just hear you talking when i read this post. sure miss all of you guys back there.

and hmm, brady 16...NOT POSSIBLE!
welcome to the bloggyworld!!

SoonerAggieMom said...

Thank you for posting the pic of your family but I'd like to know who's kids those are. Your kids are little.

You do realize you're supposed to click on my name and read my blog now. You'll be amazed how boring things are down here.

What did you eat at the game?

Beverly said...

Yeah - I know your type with your blinged-up shirts and veggies on a stick. haha I about pee'd in my pants about the PTA. True dat. Oh - and Sonia J is on her way to your house.

Reeces - yum.