Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Almost 20 years!! NO WAY!

If you know me, you will know the speed at which I'm talking and say to yo-self...I'm so glad I'm reading this instead!
The phone rings the other nite and a grew up with her my whole life girfirend is on the other line and its a real call instead of a text, so its gotta be important. She says she got an email from a high school friend of ours and our class now has its own website and our 20 year is coming this next summer. NOWAY! WAY! I say, ahh mannn, I don't wanna go to that...I helped out on the 10 yr thing and that's enough. She says, o yes u r girl! SHe's checking out the website while I'm on the phone and I'm frying pork chops--they have no carbs ya know--until you flour them--anyhoo....she says, oh there Marcey K at the senior luncheon....WHAT? I'm on the internet?? Am I naked?? Well, do I look ok?? LOL.............I say, well, I gotta go for now.........hang up and those who know me, know I didn't care if the pork chops burnt to flames, I was hurdling over the dog--ok-hurdling...maybe not....stepping over Karlie Sophia really quickly yes! to get to the computer and look up what she had been talking about and lo n behold........there I am. Big permed hair and all.....not naked--just at the senior luncheon----and it's like a flood breaks away and the memories come rushing back--cue "Memories" song here-- oh that's so and so and OH! MI GOSH! Look at this one and that one...and I know this won't surprise anybody but I remembered people's names like they lived with me! I got all excited and Brady!! Look at me!
Gary!! Look! Look at my hair! r u looking? then why r u looking at the tv?!
Anyhow.... it made me remember a time when I didn't even know what laundry was! O the days!! You can register yourself and upload pictures and honey I've already dug my pics out!
Now, I just want to have a new pic made--that means you Marla--you can airbrush yes?--then I can upload my pic and memmoriesssssssss.......................try as I may, my high school peeps have never mistaken me for Christie Brinkley...although its close, if you squint one eye.
BIG SIGHHHHHHHHHHHH.........................................I will try to take a breath.
How excited will I be next summer seeing all my ole peeps!!! A couple of these girls can talk faster than me...NO! YES!
Needless to say.... I wouldn't miss it for the world!


Beverly said...

Send me the website! I wanna go take a little lookey.

And, yes, I read that just as if we had been talking on the phone and it was F.A.S.T., fast.

That sounds so fun. I'm really looking forward to my 10 year reunion.........

RamblinRealtor said...

If I sent you the website I'd show up to bunco with poster sized pics of me! Your 10 yr huh? The 10yr for what, the 3rd time! LOVE N KISSES.......

RamblinRealtor said...

If I sent you the website I'd show up to bunco with poster sized pics of me! Your 10 yr huh? The 10yr for what, the 3rd time! LOVE N KISSES.......

SoonerAggieMom said...

You can't possibly think we're going to let this website spotting go away do you? If I think real hard I can remember where you went to school.....and your name was.....Ouch, hurt my brain thinking so hard.