Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ahhh Lunch!

Sometimes all you need is lunch with a buddy. Today I had just that. Sounds so simple, yet I usually don't even eat lunch much less take an hour & 1/2 for it. I'm usually on the computer with a protein bar & my trusty Sonic drink or driving around showing houses. SO today was a treat. It's not like I don't see my buds....there is Bunco ya know. However, I came away from this lunch thinking to myself....I really needed that. Just a fresh point of view of everyday life. Ya know I usually have everything all figured out and correct and all ;) so just to hear someone Else's take on the usual was very nice. No major AA HA! moment. No clouds parted and trumpets sounded...just nice. I summed it up as "friend maintenance" which I am always guilty of non compliance with this one. You know, I tell all my buds, listen, if I don't talk to you in oh the next month or so, I'm not ever thinking 'oh she's mad at me', I'm thinking you're fine. Just living your life doing laundry just like me and you are fine. However the older I get, the more I tend to think maybe I should do more of this maintenance thing. I tend to talk to myself on the ole treadmill, in the car,in the backyard,while doing laundry...well you get the point, but think it might be good to listen every now and then. Really listen. The kind of listening that asks a question and just the look on the others face is the answer. Sometimes people don't want an answer, just want to be heard....can I get an AMEN from all the sports wives out's not Sunday morning in my house w/o Sports Center going on TV!
Ok, that's it....back to work!

Ciao bella!