Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day One!

Whoa to those of you who wanted me to create a blog......

Let's see, this past weekend while in big Plano for another soccer tourney I saw the most odd and horrifing thing I think I've seen in oh, at least a month. Nope, not the reffing of the games.
We were driving on the hiway coming home and I see all these tents set up along the upcoming corner. I of course, think Fruit & Veggies stand.....where's my wallet, Gary, pull oovaa!! The first stand had watermelons & squash.....yeah next....puppies? ahhh isn't that cute, next one....puppies...huh? more puppies.....8 stands of all kinds of puppies!!! OMG!! The pure bred dog lover in me about DIED! Puppies! Like their a random fruit! Upon seeing my eyes triple insize, Gary doesn't even slow down..........he knew what was coming..........."Ya know, that is just a perpetuation of puppy mills! Double edged sword...buy a puppy to save it and the cycle starts all over again, besides who on earth buys a puppy on the side of the road?? You are supposed to reserach your breed then find a reputable breeder......or go to the pound, tons of dogs there who want a good home! Should be illegal, what corner was that back there, I'm writing a letter to the county commissioner...and the American Kennel Club..........."........in true fashion, Gary nevers flinches or glances my way............he knows.

Well, that's my 1st post......I'm not sure my thoughts should be put in written text.....
Sooo to Bev & Marla, here ya go..........don't say I didn't warn you......


Beverly said...

Woo Hoooooooooooooo!! Let me be the first to say:

Love, love, love the photo of you - how did you ever decide which headshot to use????

Puppies for sale on the side of the road, huh. I had a vision of you totin' a gun and freeing all the puppies - freeing them all right into your suburban!!!

Welcome to blogging. Keep those posts coming!

SoonerAggieMom said...

Well, it's about time you started blogging!

I look forward to hearing about your adventures since we don't get to chat over the cards anymore.

I can't believe you stole my headshot.

love ya!