Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Big Bang! Theory a BUST!

Well, I can't say I'm surprised that I woke up this morning just fine and dandy and still behind in laundry. You may or may not have heard that there are some scientists and physicist's that were amping up this giant machine, an "atom smasher", to reproduce all the atoms smashing into one another recreating the big bang theory of life. Some feared by doing this experiment it would cause a tear in the atmosphere and thus create a black hole and end earth as we know it.
This whole news story reminds me of the saying, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". I wonder how much time and money and brain power was spent on such an experiment and what I really wonder is were the people who did it disappointed when it didn't work? I know when I first heard about it I just laughed but somebody had to really believe it would work! I wonder what God thought about it....I would venture to say He wasn't surprised this morning.
It seems everyday there are life lessons surrounding us and it's up to each of us to notice and learn whatever we can from that day. There are lots of things I can't explain and really I'm OK with that, don't need some great explanations and experiment to prove this or that.
Just trusting that God has it all under control........and that the watermelons were really from Rush Springs!

Happy Wednesday!!


SoonerAggieMom said...

I wish the atom smasher would smash all the laundry for us.

O Fam said...

Ok...I am a little slow. I saw your pic, I'm sorry....your fashion model pic...and kept asking myself who is this? I would see your replies on laura blog but never click on your blog. Why? don't know. I think I thought you must be a tx friend of lauras. So today when I saw you on Bevs I thought I must know this person...and it is YOU!! So funny. You need to come here...fruit and veggie stands prevail!! They are everywhere.