Friday, December 12, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

Let's not even start on the naughty or nice thing.....this year I'd like super-powers.
I wanna blink and the house be clean and laundry done. Got that? Good.
Next up is can you have a talk with the teachers-partically math teachers- about actually explaining all this math stuff while they have my kids at school so they don't come home and ask me?! For Pete's sake, didn't they get a degree in this anyhow? Check? Good.
Growing feet.....come on you know what a pair of dance shoes costs these days?? You don't have to stunt their growth but just make the shoes last longer than a month, k? Good.
A little help getting this insurance biz off the ground would b nice, or a complete turn around in real estate would suffice. I'm not difficult ;)
Also, teacher's gifts...are they really neccessary? Considering I, er, I mean Brady has to reteach at least once a week.
I'd like all my favorite Christmas movies to come on in marathon style in the same Saturday.
I want nachos to be carb free.
And french fries. and Doritos. and Reece's.

AND let's not forget.........
above all, I'd like world peace.
Ok, I'll let you get to work on that and just holla at yo girl if you have any questions.

1 comment:

Beverly said...

Dear Santa,

Ditto for my house. But, please add brownies and chocolate chip cookies to that list for the no carb thing.