Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bring on January!!

OK.....I saw a billboard today saying 9 days til Christmas. Great....not ready. Not even close.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but didn't we just have the 4th of July thing at church??

I am just not in the wrapping presents mood, bows on everything that moves, cookie dough everywhere.....wait....I can do the dough. I have scaled down our family Christmas gift wise this year and have realized maybe I should have been doing this all along. I think I just get this unreal vision in my head of how it all should be "this year" and then of course it never comes even close and uggghhhh.........

I really think this workin mama is just tired. and whiny. and has a sugar headache from the dough. and self loathing for eating the dough. No worries, I see my therapist tomorrow and she wil fix it all...and my nails...right Marla?! My son asked me tonight rather irritated too why couldn't I remember what he had said. My reply--no I didn't throw him from the moving car- I just said, if you knew how many people tell me things in one given day, you'd realize why I couldn't remember if you said 2 or 4. AYE-Yi-YI......other random tidbits:

Remember when I couldn't even say MySpace? Now I have a personal blog, a MySpace(that I still haven't gotten into) and NOW a Facebook page too. I think I about gave Laura a heartattack with that one.

184 days til my HS Reunion.......prozac anyone?? ;)

It will all work out....I think I can, I think I can, I think I can........ worked for the lil engine right!

Gotta make a basket of goodies today for hubbies workers.......that sounded strange huh....anyhoo, bring on the cookie dough!!!!!!!!!!


Beverly said...

Wellllllll......I've tried to tell you the solution many times:

Quit working.

What happened to being the Ladies That Lunch?

Seriously, I hope things slow down for you in the next few weeks. It's easy to get overwhelmed just with motherhood let alone all the "schtuff" this season brings along with it!

SoonerAggieMom said...

Yep, if you were a bum like me you'd be proficient at blogging & Facebook and STILL not have your shopping done!

RamblinRealtor said...

I'd be happy to quit working...but my friend Mista Mastacard say oh no!