Sunday, December 28, 2008

Let It Snow......

Ok just for the record, I do not like a warm Christmas! I like "holy cow, its cold!" kinda Christmas, not my hubby saying, I could wear shorts ya know.........


Are you gonna put nuts in the cookies cuz I don't like nuts(as they are eating the nuts)
I hope mom didn't buy us matching clothes again
Is Karlie eating a bow?
I'm bored
Can we go to the mall, we could help the economy!
I think I'm gonna throw up
I think I'm in a food coma
You always pick stupid movies
Man, That was a good movie
lets wrestle
no wrestling
the phone is ringing somebody get it(as they sit next to the phone)
Karlie--get off the pillows
ya know, that turkey was really good
I don't like my Christmas clothes so can we take them back and get cute ones made you spaghetti-os.....ah man, she's mad....
You are supposed to be putting the pics away not looking at every one of them
Look! Back when our children couldn't talk........aahhhhhh
Look Maddie, dad did really have hair once
WOW, gaw mom your hair looks weird
Listen to this marching band, listen to their music composition, its the German theory of..................................MOM, you are not really asleep!!!
Better get off that internet, somebody's gonna steal your identity(you KNOW Gary said that!)
I am so fat. Just look at me!
Mom--put your clothes back on!
Hey when they say next year do they mean this yr or next year(I'll let you guess who said that)
Just another holiday in the Hollon house huh babe?!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

I'm gonna need some deets about the "Mom put your clothes back on" comment!!!! bwahahahahaha

I sounds strangely like the WRight house.......