Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well, I must admit, I am a competitive person and since there's NO WAY I will ever keep up with my blogging as faithful as some-you know who you are :)--I decided I'd update my blog seasonally before you know who did! It only took me going back and forth between pages and reading it over and over....and trying out this one and that one....until I reached a happy medium!
Today I did laundry--since it wasn't my bday anymore, it's back to the daily grind. I also put up the family Christmas tree. Ahhh, memories........when I was a kid we always had one of those short trees and every now and then a real live tree. Being a smell sensitive person that I am, I really don't like the smell of a real tree....I know I can hear you now.....well, hang on cuz I can't stand the smell of coffee or fresh cut grass or leather.......I know, I know, I know......
Where was I....ah, Christmas trees. I had a "pretty tree" in our living room that had a theme and only certain ornaments went on it, then I had a "family tree" that one was all the kids stuff and every color and blinking light I could find.....I'm a blinker mixed w/still lites gal....I know this can bring marriages to a blink or not to blink.....but Gary's a blinker too so we're good.
Then I also had a tree that was just for fun....I know. tree overkill, but one year I was channeling Martha and got carried away........
Last year it seems we didn't repack so well for the chucked it all in walmart sacks and flinggggg into the dark scary attic it went. Strange, but they didn't weather so well over the summer....go figure. So this year, the pretty tree is a hodge podge of everything that survived and maybe enough leftovers to complete the poodle tree--that's what we call it cuz it looks like 2 round balls on top of one another with a tree trunk----really its fabulous when decorated with all my moms Christopher Radko ornaments....ohhh, mother............was I supposed to give those back?? Anyhoooo......what's on your tree?? We have everything from Precious Moments to hand painted rulers each of my kids have made at school......Thank goodness for teachers and all those Christmas projects or I could have a naked tree!! I'm not a tinsel gal though, mainly cause I hate cleaning it all up.....stems from dad was a tinsel guy.....EVERY strand had to be hand strung one by freakin one.....ever so perfectly......but my therapist says it doesn't affect me anymore.............and let's not even talk about the wrapping of presents!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I've got garland to hang everwhere...........
and to all a goodnight...........


SoonerAggieMom said...

My tree isn't up yet. Maybe by the end of the week it will be. It has hodge podge ornaments too. I've been collecting Hallmark ornaments since 1982 so I have a few of them. I also have a retro tree I'm putting upstairs. It's silver with pink and black ornaments. Maybe I'll just put that one up and be done with it!

Love your background too!

Beverly said...

OH**MY**GOSH!!! This is the cutest background. And I know that comment was directed at me and you know how difficult it was for me just to change my background one time and that I will probably NEVER change it again for fear the computer might explode on my desk!!! (sticking my tongue out at you!!!)

Let me just say....I'm completely with you on the tinsel. Grew up with it. Grew up flinging it at my brother and going to school with it attached to my back with static electricity and it being all over the house until Valentine's Day!!

Thanks for the good belly laugh - you always crack me up!

Beverly said...

Oh and btw, your house is always Martha-perfect when it comes to being decorated any time of year!