Monday, December 22, 2008

Almost here.....

Today is Dec. 22, 2008. Christmas is HOURS away and I am kinda, sorta, almost, getting there.
I have told myself it is ok to scale back since the whole country seems to be doing it too. Convinced myself that cookie dough, if eaten while standing up contains no calories.
Given myself the ole pep talk of Why Yes, Virginia, Martha Stewart would be so proud.
Gotten over the fact that we DID get the exterior lights out of the attic, HOWEVER didn't exactly put them out on the house.....except my FABULOUS wreath which lites up and I made myself a few years ago, however you can't really see it from the street b/c the builder set my house crooked but I'm not bitter about that anymore.........
Prepared myself for the grocery store trip I've been putting off.......
and mentally pumped myself up up up for the annual driving around looking at Christmas lites w/my fam, who will be eating brownies in my car and Gary will have his must have eggnog..gag..and we will "OH! Wow! Look at that! What on earth? How'd they do that? I saw that last year. Imagine the electric bill! What does polar bears have to do w/Christmas? Anyone? Can we go to Braum's?" until my ADD kicks in and then its all downhill from there......
I wish all of you faithful readers who can't/won't/don'tknowhowto/refuse to get blog of your own a wonderful and blessed Christmas and eat lots of cookies and may the time you spend w/your crazy/disfunctional families remind you of how much you actually love them!!!!


Beverly said...

We really do share a brain, don't we?

You have to go to Kingswood for the house with the bazillion LED lights - it's something else but is beautiful to look at.

Three words for you: low carb diet

Started Saturday - what was I thinking but I'm not stopping now even though I will be the crankiest person EVAH on Christmas!!!

Was that the same gaw-geous wreath I had for a few years??? Um hmm. It is fabulous!

Merry Christmas to you from the low carb grinch. :)

RamblinRealtor said...

You DID have it for a few years huh! I forgot! Low carb can not start til Dec.'s the law.
House in Kingswood is amazing...feel sorry for the neighbors though, I wanted to go but them sunglasses!