Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How did I not know??

Last nite I had to go pick up my 16&1/2 JR. in high school who STILL doesn't drive (he says he's too busy to worry about that rite now) from orchestra and I saw the greatest thing.....a laundromat. I've never been in a laundromat. I thought they were only on TV. ( i lead a very sheltered life ya know) but there it was, rows of washers and dryers..amd actual people in there doing laundry....ya'll realize I'm obsessed w/laundry yeah....it immediately made me think I could do ALL of it at once....use 10 washers and 10 dryers and VOILA!! Then I would just have to iron it all when I got home.
Yes people..I said iron it all....it all began in 3rd grade when I used to lay on the bed and watch my mother iron clothes and just chat away......anyhow, nothing goes in the closet until it's ready to wear and that means ironed! I know, I can hear ya'll now.......my mom irons pillow cases people......I don't I swear....napkins-yes, pillowcases no.
You are prolly wondering does this blog have a point? Nah not really.

Other random details:
Back on the no carb thing again, expect random, pointless blogs in the future. Lack of sugar makes me loopy, more so than usual.
Tonight is my FAV reality TV show---Real Housewives of Atlanta....total brain mush, but I *heart* it....and then there's the blogs........o the joy.
Dinner tonight was turkey burgers (no bun) and salad...and my family actually ate all of it and LIKED it.
Every member of the fam...no complaints...Gary said, "God is at work tonight."
Strangely enough Taylor is playing w/Karlie Sophia.....this is news cuz she only likes the idea of a dog, not actually playing with, taking care of, or paying attention to a dog. So, big nite for KS.
Only 221 days til my high school reunion..........I knew you'd want to know.
New dark hair color has taken away my striking resemblance to Christie Brinkley. **SIGH**
I have faced the realization my bra really doesn't fit. Double SIGH
I have just been asked if you can simplfy 2/25ths..........emmm........Brady!!!
I am honest w/my kids, some of you aren't. I have no problem telling them Hey, all that stuff you are doing rite now, yeah well, you'll never use it in real life! Gary just asked Maddie if she got a good grade on a paper she had to interview 10 people about, but didn't really have 10 people to ask that night at 8:45 due the next day, she replied, o I just put down so and sos names...he says Is that what MOM told u to do? LIKE WHY WOULD U THINK I TOLD HER THAT? Go back in ur mancave Johnie-rulebook......
Signing off for now........I've got serious business to do.

Peace out.......tell ur mama I said Heeeyyyyyy.................


Beverly said...

I think that was more than no carbs talking!!! Mebbe too much caffeine and too little sleep cuz that was way RANDOM!!!

But so stinkin' funny! Except the part about ironing. There's nothing funny about that!!

SoonerAggieMom said...

I've been to the laundrymat a couple of times when my washer or dryer broke. Depending on the location, it can be a very scary place! But yes, you can do all your laundry at one time.

I'm also doing low-carb. That must be why I get grumpy when people don't read my blog.

Brady doesn't drive? That's a blog in itself.