Friday, November 14, 2008


Yea ME! I must express my pure joy in myself--not so proper I know--but I went to insurance school and took the state exam-not 1 but 2 exams--and PASSED!! I am now a bonafied Life, Accident & Health Insurance agent!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED.........(insert happy dance here)
This all happened last week and ya'll thought I couldn't keep a secret!!
I will start Monday with Pennsylvania Life company. Now, I am not giving up real estate, but its been painfully slow, so I decided to broaden my horizon!!
I was saying to Gary, do you realize how many differnet things I've sold? Yep, he does, cuz he's the one always paying for my "new starter kit", enrollment fee, or in this case, state exams.
God love him!
Let's see, I've sold mens clothing, womens clothing, kids clothes, perfume, make-up,handbags,
kitchen tools, gourmet food mixes and real estate....and now insurance.'s a good thing I'm a talker, huh! I'll keep you posted as to how it goes...I'll be a real estate/insurance guru--it'll be great I'm sure :)

As far as random posts....Ms.B....have you not read the TITLE of my blog? LOL

Ciao for now.......


Beverly said...

Wooooo Hooooo! Way to go on passing those exams. But.........seriously......what is this obsession you have with working???? How can we go to lunch if you're working all the time???

SoonerAggieMom said...

Way to go gf!!! You left out selling cards btw.

D brought new benefits papers home a few days ago. While trying to figure out how much it would cost, he mistook the divide sign for an addition sign. The monthly premium was gonna be about $200 instead of $20. He's worth a lot, but let's don't get carried away.