Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just Thinkin....

Ever realize you're just not who you used to be anymore? 'Maturing' I guess. Some seek it, others chase it, many avoid it, and maybe it justs sneaks up on some of us.
One of those moments that you look around and realize uh, that's just not me anymore, not that whatever it is, is neccessarily bad, just not me anymore. Ya know when you are a kid and you think nacho cheese doritos and green onion dip chased with a Sunkist pop is a good idea. However now at whatever age you are now, the very thought of such brings no happy thoughts.
All this reunion stuff kinda holds a mirror up of old ways, old paths,old thoughts, old some ways remembering who you were and where you came from is a great tool to see maybe how far you are from that or maybe how close you still are to it as well. It could also be said I analyze way too much. Maybe tonight I'm just in awe of Christ's ability to see what can be out of what couldn't be seen by anybody else. Seeing how people have gone about their lives is fascinating to me, some major changes, some no changes at all. I really should have stayed in college to be the psycho therapist I thought I'd be.....but then again, I wouldn't have my life now. I think maybe a new appreciation for my life today no matter how I love to moan about the laundry and housecleaning is setting upon me. Then again, maybe its the carbs......I had mexican today for lunch for Taylor's bday-13 tomorrow Monday!!!
Love to all....and empty laundry baskets!!

1 comment:

SoonerAggieMom said...

Cha cha cha changes.
Without them we wouldn't grow.