Monday, October 6, 2008

Miss Taylor

Today is Miss Taylor's 13th birthday! Ahh, it seems it was just yesterday I was picking up after her, running around chasing her to brush her teeth.....wait, that WAS yesterday! We had her party on Friday night with 7 of her girlfriends. Usually we spend weeks coming up with the perfect party plan--well Taylor does, I just shoot down the limo requests and roll my eyes at the thought of renting a hotel suite--until this year, I said, Listen try something simple! So, who knew she would actually give it a whirl? We went to the Westmoore football game, it was Homecoming, (we lost) and then came back to our house where the girls started dressing up in the craziest outifts they could put together(pics to come) and did each others hair and makeup. When they were all ready I drove them up to Rustys custard place where they walked in like they owned the place and acted goofy. Then decided to go across to McDonalds, however I said, uh girls, all the high school kids are there now after the game-thinking they'd be like oh, yeah, maybe not--oh soo not soo........."SO?! Let's go!" OK! SO, of course they giggled their way through everybody, with lil Maddie in tow--they dressed her up and was callin her "Shawtie"--shortie in okie speak--as I watched them go across the parkin lot I thought, how fearless! I laughed and thought well, I always worried the girls of today don't have enough self confidence but clearly they do. We all went back to our house and they stayed up til about 3am and formed the "Kappa Kappa Taylors" Or "Kappa QTs" sororiety complete with pins and secret handshake. I cooked a huge breakfast the next day and they did cheer stunts in the backyard.
After all was said and done, Taylor was laying in the floor and said, "man, that was the best party I ever had!!"
Who knew using your imagination was all you needed...........Thanks Barney!!


Beverly said...

That does sound like the perfect party. How does one go about getting into that secret sorority? Oh wait.......we're in one. It's called Bunco QT's!

Happy Birthday Taylor!

SoonerAggieMom said...

What fun! I can't wait to see the pics.

Maybe I can be an honorary member of your Bunco QT's.

BTW, the Hillsong CD is "This Is Our God". It's the newest one.

Beverly said...

Spiffy new look you've got there! Love it.