Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Something to think about.....

Ok, I know we ALL have lives and really mine doesn't revolve around what Oprah has to say, but I saw her show yesterday about the US food chain and I was glued to the TV.
Being a bonafied city girl, farming issues have never kept me up at night. The issue at hand and a vote in November in California is called Prop 2, which states calf for veal production, pigs and egg laying hens should have the space to stand up, spread their wings and have a bit of space to move aound in. Both sides of this issue were well represented. One side against Prop 2 is a 7 generation farming family who would essentially be wiped out if it passes. The other side is for cage free animals..I'm sure you've seen cage free eggs in the grocery store. I of course went back and forth with yes, we need to be humane to our animals, then back to we can not wipe out our american farmers. My gosh our country is built on the backs of farming families! I really don't want all of our food coming in as imports from Mexico, but when the guy who wrote the NY Times article about being raised on a goose farm and how he'd have to go inthe barn to get a goose for slaughter and how geese mate for life, that when he grabbed one goose, its mate would come out of the crowd and try to fight him for the mate.......made me cry. Yeah, I know ya'll are actually cry?? Made me think of my Gary being hauled off and me having to say, UH EXCUSE ME!!! So if you have time, check out the story....I know it will be on my mind the next time I'm at the store picking my food!


Beverly said...

Hmmmmm. I didn't watch that episode. It is definitely something to think about. I'm not an over-the-top animal lover. I don't think animals have "feelings" or "souls." And, I would never treat one badly.

I do think animal activists are few in number but LOUD in their protests. I don't think our food supply should be altered dramatically for a few outspoken people. KWIM?

I'm trying to say as little as possible in the most diplomatic way!! I shoulda been on the debates last night. Are you ready to post about that yet??? haha

SoonerAggieMom said...

I believe you've stumped the panel with that statement.

As long as it's not mooing, I'll eat it.

Beverly said... this thing on?