Thursday, January 8, 2009

When the new year came about I said to myself, self, this year I am going to always look on the bright side, look for blessings and seek Him in all things b/c I know He's there.
Apparently self has ADD and a sketchy memory. So now, I'd like to just ask for prayer.
For preserverance to keep trying to get my real estate and insurance bizes going and healthy for I am not made of gold and don't have a money tree in the backyard. For patience of which needs no explaination if ya know me at all. For whatever it is you would call letting people in and not being so guarded. For self control, b/c the preacher I heard on the radio the other morning said we all needed self disipline and no has never been my favorite word. And just for some plain ole blessings to come my way b/c there are just days I look up and say, Are You watching the same channel as me?? Last year was really a yucky year and I REALLY would like a catch a few breaks this one. I firmly believe the saying, 'and this too shall pass', I have no doubt my God is in control. Maybe its just me in a strange mood. See, there I go again trying to discount myself.
Ok, just lift me up if ya can, I'd appreciate it and I'll be doing the same for ya'll. Tomorrow is a new day--the sun will shine again--what else?? Uh, I think I can, I think I can--what doesn't kill you will make you fat--er I mean strong--that's all I can muster for now.........I gotta go wipe my hubbys eyes..........OU lost the "big" game............again.
Much love to you all.......................


Beverly said...

I love you, girl. Know you will be in my prayers.

SoonerAggieMom said...

I typed a prayer and it made me cry.

Our pastor is starting a sermon series this week "Hope for 09". They even made a commercial & put it on the web
I don't know if they will put the sermons online but there are already some great verses to dwell on. Go check it out.

I'm praying for you. You're not alone.