Saturday, January 3, 2009


Breakfast: Cinnamon roll
Dinner: Potato soup

OK! Not only did I fall off the wagon, I think I jumped- bungee style!!!
Low carb only works for me when my family is not home! So start school back already!!
HOWEVER----I did walk at the park w/ my hubby-who can walk at the speed of light and my short legs practically run to keep up......
Tomorrow is a new day. **SIGH**
I am a good person, I have a brillant personality.....working on my 'inner talk' :)
Remember what that saying says in my kitchen??
"Dear Lord, if you can't make me skinny, please make my friends fat."

I'm mailing all of you cookies right now!!! ;)


O Fam said...

Don't bother...already fat. Hee Hee

Beverly said...

What Alicia said.....only go ahead and send the cookies!! bwahahaha